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Zeos 7 MariaDB

Posted: 18.05.2011, 02:47
by elidorio2
Zeos 7 supports MariaDB?


Posted: 19.05.2011, 22:33
by mdaems
I must say I never tried. But as I understand their libmysql.dll should use the same API as the one provided by mysql. And the normal mysql driver should work as well. Same for the percona binaries.

libdrizzle is different, however.


Posted: 16.04.2012, 03:10
by elidorio2
MariaDB, someone is using with Zeos?

Posted: 16.04.2012, 12:41
by ism
MariaDB - fork MySql and Zeos must work

Posted: 16.04.2012, 20:12
by EgonHugeist

MariaDB should work. But can you try this? Tell us your expierences?


Posted: 17.04.2012, 00:39
by elidorio2
I will test and then tell what happened.

Posted: 17.04.2012, 12:53
by MYSQL889

I leave you this link, which may be of interest. There are several engines 100% compatible with MySQL, as Percona, MariaDB, etc..

Zeos grows and grows! :up:
EgonHugeist wrote:elidorio2,

MariaDB should work. But can you try this? Tell us your expierences?


Posted: 17.04.2012, 18:41
by EgonHugeist

yeah we've almost thought concerning support for all these DB engines. That would be fine to have or not? Thank's you for that link! LOL

Each of these engines has little specials we eventually must support!? I'm not 100% sure but i think MariaDB changes some error-constants and starting with 1900. Drizzle is more complicated which your link shows on the firs look: Row-limit(1000), PluginManaged modules. ...
Supporting thes engines could be minor work, or it's possible it still works nice With Zeos7 too...

But we've also rules of precedence: fixing before features.

Straight target: BETA.

To everybody on the Forum don't hesitate to test these engines with ZeosLib (+libmysql.dll)! I so no insuremaountable issues here!


please felt motivated to do so. Result-, success- or fail-reports are always welcome!


Posted: 17.04.2012, 19:48
by MYSQL889
You're right! Of course, you have more important priorities now to resolve. Either way, we share any progress, test or idea.
Thank you very much again. :)
EgonHugeist wrote:MYSQL889,

yeah we've almost thought concerning support for all these DB engines. That would be fine to have or not? Thank's you for that link! LOL

Each of these engines has little specials we eventually must support!? I'm not 100% sure but i think MariaDB changes some error-constants and starting with 1900. Drizzle is more complicated which your link shows on the firs look: Row-limit(1000), PluginManaged modules. ...
Supporting thes engines could be minor work, or it's possible it still works nice With Zeos7 too...

But we've also rules of precedence: fixing before features.

Straight target: BETA.

To everybody on the Forum don't hesitate to test these engines with ZeosLib (+libmysql.dll)! I so no insuremaountable issues here!


please felt motivated to do so. Result-, success- or fail-reports are always welcome!


Posted: 25.04.2012, 04:30
by Pitfiend
I tried MariaDB with the stable ZeosLib 6.6.6 release, using Delphi 7 and 2007 and it worked as supposed to do. But I didn't make any stress test, I just drop the binaries over my MySql installation just to test if it works and it did.

I was able to retrieve, update, insert and delete rows as it does with former MySql, even the standalone lib works too. Didn't try stored procedures, triggers nor ddl commands, but I assume they must work too.

Don't forget to make a backup of your databases, just to be on the right side if anything goes wrong.

Posted: 26.06.2012, 15:35
by andrea.lai
I have made some stress test on MariaDB with Zeos 6.6.6 using Delphi7 on windows and Linux and it work very well.

Posted: 26.06.2012, 23:35
by EgonHugeist

which protocol did you use for your stress tests? MySQL-5? Adding a new MySQL descendant PlainDriver and protocol name 'MariaDB' is no problem..


Posted: 27.06.2012, 18:30
by Pitfiend
As far as I know, there's no need for another protocol. MariaDB is 100% binary compatible with MySQL, same names, same libraries, just coded differently.

In my tests, I put the MariaDB engine over the old MySQL, and used the same data files without troubles, it worked fine.

From the engine side there are some new things, but if you use the known stuff in MySQL, there should be no issues. MariaDB has another subengine to manage data, along with all the already available ones in MySQL.

I run my tests with ZeosLib 6.6.6, I expect no issues with ZeosLib 7.x. I will try again when a stable be available.

Posted: 27.06.2012, 20:40
by EgonHugeist

thank you for your informations. I know that we do not realy need a new protocol-name. But i'm thinking on users with less expierences like you have. Having something visible a property shows clearly that Zeos does support MariaDB, Persona, Sphinx and so on. So i think adding a new protocol name for MariaDB shows the people that Zeos can support this MySQL-folk.


Posted: 27.06.2012, 23:28
by Pitfiend
Maybe you are right, but having that huge list of protocols can be confusing.

I favor simplicity, instead, may I suggest you to put that on a documentacion topic, as well as the long list of other protocols' versions.

Aren't you already looking for connection libraries internally? It can't be too much complicated to pickup the most up to date or inform that none are available or too old.

Just my 2c!