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Bug when i connect with zconnection

Posted: 09.04.2011, 22:01
by lavoro92
When i connect with Zconnection in my database the first i access but the second access saw a error that say that the library
The error is the follow :

Posted: 10.04.2011, 09:18
by mrLion
lavoro92, It's your fault and not ZEOS. You have the same plain language states that the program can not find the DLL. NTWDBLIB.Dll Apparently this is a library to access your database.

Posted: 10.04.2011, 18:51
by lavoro92
Impossible, MrLion beacuse the first connection is success , and i close this connection before open the same connection .
And i never work directly with the dll.

Posted: 10.04.2011, 19:36
by mrLion
What database? And what you are use Delphi or C++? Try to cath Exception in "try... finally " or "try catch" block for get all info about raised error. ZEOS raised ZException errors, so you messages indicates what problem not ZEOS-lib.

Posted: 11.04.2011, 13:18
by lavoro92
i resolve the problem it my fault , i did a mistake when i select the database :D sorry ^^