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error connecting mysql with ssl

Posted: 31.08.2015, 15:07
by tintinux

I'm using MySql, Zeos 7.1.4 stable, and Lazarus on Linux Ubuntu (client and server)

I have ssl setup on a test server and working certificates and key, and I can succesfully connect without zeos, like this :

Code: Select all

~$ mysql -h -utestzeos -p --ssl-ca=/tmp/testzeos/authority_certif.pem --ssl-cert=/tmp/testzeos/client_certif.pem --ssl-key=/tmp/testzeos/client_key.pem
Enter password:
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Your MySQL connection id is 8628
Server version: 5.5.44-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 (Ubuntu)

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mysql> show variables like 'have%ssl%';
| Variable_name | Value |
| have_openssl  | YES   |
| have_ssl      | YES   |
2 rows in set (0.04 sec)
I have attached a test in Lazarus which can easily be used with Delphi if needed, where I tried to setup SSL in the ZConnection1 properties.
The password is the same as the user.
With the default properties :

Code: Select all

the connection fails, with an error message about the server (not ssl ?).

When I remove every line in the properties, connection is successful.

By the way, with MYSQL_SSL=FALSE there is also an error.

You can try with your own certificates if you want, anyone should work for this test.
I could generate and send you by mail some, if you need.

Am I missing something, or wrong somewhere ?
Which tests could I do to find out the issue ?
Does it works on your systems ?

Thanks for help