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ZEOS-Tabel and Filter

Posted: 16.12.2005, 11:28
by Josef Koller

I use ZTable and ZConnection to a Firebird DB. And I would like to get a filter like this:

ztable1.filter:='Buchungsdatum ='+quotedstr(dateedit1.text);

dateedit1.text is for example :'01.01.05'

But it not works. Every other filter without a date works fine.
What have I to do to get a filter-string to a date field?

Best regards


Posted: 16.12.2005, 13:08
by Michael
Hi, Josef!

The Filter expression calculator supports implicit comvertions between many data types including (Boolean, Integer, Float, DateTime, String).

For Date/DateTime values there are two ways to compare date-time values:
  1. As you know TDateTime type is defined as Double in Delphi. You may use that fact to represent a date in the expression like:
    'MyDateField < 124345.4566', where float value is defined like Double(MyDateTimeVar)
  2. DateTime values may be represented as strings using AnsiSQL format 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'
So please try something like this:

Code: Select all

'MyDateField < ''2004-01-01'''

Posted: 16.12.2005, 21:46
by gto
I've got problems with filters too, so there's my little function to convert a date in format "dd/mm/yyyy" to "yyyy-mm-dd":

function FilterDate(Data: string): string;
Dia, Mes, Ano: string;
Dia := copy(Data, 1, 2);
Mes := copy(Data, 4, 2);
Ano := copy(Data, 7, 4);
Result := quotedstr(ano + '-' + Mes + '-' + Dia);

Note that direct passing a TDateTime variable will mess the things up.. consider use FormatDateTime ;)

Posted: 17.12.2005, 15:32
by Michael
@gto: :up:

I put your code into

Code: Select all

tags to enable Delphi syntax highlighting ;-)

P.S.: "sql" is also avilable :mrgreen: ... have a look!