delphi2010, ZEOSDBO-7.0.0-alpha and sqlite3.74 chinese path
Posted: 02.01.2011, 12:51
I use a delphi2010, ZEOSDBO-7.0.0-alpha and sqlite3.74. In use there is a problem which is using the Chinese path.
I followed a few places at the code
str1 is the Chinese path with the full path to the library d:\temp\数据库测试\测试.db
con1.Database: = str1;
This is ZEOSDBO code, database path is above the Chinese
FHandle: = FPlainDriver.Open (PAnsiChar (Utf8String (Database)), 0, ErrorMessage);
This method is called then the function is the dll directly below the number of lines of output, FileNameString is the database.
SQLite_API.sqlite_open (PAnsiChar (AnsiToUTF8 (FileNameString)), Result0)
I ask that str1 how to convert to the database. Thank you!
I followed a few places at the code
str1 is the Chinese path with the full path to the library d:\temp\数据库测试\测试.db
con1.Database: = str1;
This is ZEOSDBO code, database path is above the Chinese
FHandle: = FPlainDriver.Open (PAnsiChar (Utf8String (Database)), 0, ErrorMessage);
This method is called then the function is the dll directly below the number of lines of output, FileNameString is the database.
SQLite_API.sqlite_open (PAnsiChar (AnsiToUTF8 (FileNameString)), Result0)
I ask that str1 how to convert to the database. Thank you!