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Firebird Embedded + Zeos on Ubuntu

Posted: 02.11.2010, 22:15
by Darkbow
Hi all,

first of all sorry to ask this question. I know it has been answered several times but I checked all the posts related to my problem and I still can not solve it.

I have programmed an app using Zeos 6.6.5 stable + Firebird Embedded 2.0 on Windows and it works just fine.

Now I try to port it to Linux and to continue using Firebird Embedded version I followed this FAQ: ... HOWTO.html

but I get all the time the same message: "None of the dynamic libraries can be found:,".

I have tried setting the path as well but no luck there. I have seen that the exception rises in ZPlainLoader.LoadNativeLibrary. This method looks for and as locations (no path at all, is that ok?).

Anyone got any idea about what I should look into?

Thanks in advance and best regards

Posted: 17.11.2010, 14:50
by firesz

the message is that libraries can not find the first attempts to put the libraries together with the project as in windows or on the rad down the link to the libraries or provides links to the libraries in the project site!

good luck!

Posted: 17.11.2010, 17:24
by Darkbow

I am sorry but I do not understand what you mean...

How can I tell my application in Ubuntu where to look for the libraries? Or how do I configure Zeos to do so?

Thanks and best regards

Posted: 07.12.2010, 08:29
by Zoran
Darkbow wrote:Hi,

I am sorry but I do not understand what you mean...

How can I tell my application in Ubuntu where to look for the libraries? Or how do I configure Zeos to do so?

Thanks and best regards
I must admit that I haven't tested it myself.

But, it just seems to me that you haven't fully completethe step 2 from the tutorial? Make sure you have completed the following (Of course, /home/milanb/fbembed must be replaced with your path):
Create a file firebird.conf and put the following line into it:

RootDirectory = /home/milanb/fbembed

To work any further you need to setup two environment variables:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/milanb/fbembed
export FIREBIRD=/home/milanb/fbembed

Posted: 13.12.2010, 18:35
by Darkbow
Hmmm, I could swear I had done that step. Can not test it since my Ubuntu machine collapsed (HD failure) and I have not installed it again. As soon as I do I'll post the results here.

Posted: 10.02.2011, 12:47
by marcov
Besides the env var, you can also add it to /etc/ and run ldconfig after (as root) to make it global. This is commonly not done lightly because of the security implications, but in relative sheltered environments it can be an option.