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Field Title Description URGENT

Posted: 24.05.2010, 13:42
by sfxcc
How can i create field description , or title for each field on firebird.
And how can i get it ... i suppose it is with metadata but dont undestand meta data yet

What i want to do is :

When i assign to a dbgrid a dataset want to set a readable name on title and not the fieldname...

In case off "CL_CLIENTES" i want "NOME CLIENTE" in dbgrid Caption Title and not "CL_CLIENTES"

So there exist anything similar to this

Does zeus already does this for me ?????

. :?: .. ????


Posted: 26.05.2010, 23:58
by mdaems

Code: Select all

select cl_clientes as "Nome Cliente" from clientes
should do the job. "AS" is optional.


Posted: 30.05.2010, 14:58
by sfxcc
Thanks for your answer.

The problem is i have a ztable and a dbgrid.
and i wanna do and the db grid title dont be the field name and "i dont wanna do it manualy on dbgrid".

I want to save it on db with the field.

Like create table ( myfield integer "mydecription",....);

and get it with metadata or so thing??

ant least to do
for aa:= 0 to ztable fieldcount-1 do
dbgrid.columns[aa].title.caption := ztable.metadata.field[aa].description; witch is "mydescripton" on the create table.

Any one have an idea to do similar to this this ????

:idea: :thanks:

Posted: 14.06.2010, 23:04
by mdaems
I'm afraid this can't be done with zeoslib 'out of the box'.


Posted: 29.10.2010, 16:53
by sfxcc
Ok this solved tehre is a fb SQL command witch is COMMENT so comment fields