Dataset Fields extra data types
Posted: 17.05.2010, 22:26
Does Zeos DBO have suport for Dataset Fields, ADT etc.
If it doesnt have support does it will someday.
Can you add more datatypes to the zeos dbo.
like :
ftImagefile - To load automatic the image file .(not on DB but on a seperate dir).
ftDataset - To load a dataset a zquery or a ztable (dataset decendent)
ftAdt - DB grid have some extra functions to show adt types etc().
ftListCombo - (string but seperate by a char ex ';' for field combobox );
ftTableView - String For Table view definition can be a ex :(Componettostring - what ever we want to ).
ftEncryptString : String or bytes ( witch is encrypted automatic when written recrypted when readed form record ) ( encript function event(on encrypt and on decrypt) or encrypt string on property )
MyprogramsTable (FormName (string),Myform (ftTableView), mypassword (ftEncryptedString),myUserName (ftEncryptedString));
If it doesnt have support does it will someday.
Can you add more datatypes to the zeos dbo.
like :
ftImagefile - To load automatic the image file .(not on DB but on a seperate dir).
ftDataset - To load a dataset a zquery or a ztable (dataset decendent)
ftAdt - DB grid have some extra functions to show adt types etc().
ftListCombo - (string but seperate by a char ex ';' for field combobox );
ftTableView - String For Table view definition can be a ex :(Componettostring - what ever we want to ).
ftEncryptString : String or bytes ( witch is encrypted automatic when written recrypted when readed form record ) ( encript function event(on encrypt and on decrypt) or encrypt string on property )
MyprogramsTable (FormName (string),Myform (ftTableView), mypassword (ftEncryptedString),myUserName (ftEncryptedString));