Page 1 of 1 broken.

Posted: 03.05.2010, 11:23
by trupka
Everyone are probably aware of this or .. not.. ?

Posted: 12.05.2010, 19:39
by mdaems
I am aware of it, however, the Mantis installation isn't really under my control. Firmos has upgraded, but some issue remains. I just googled and asked Helmut to fix the issue.


Posted: 13.05.2010, 11:46
by trupka
Hi Mark,

I've been worried that bug tracker is "lost". Meantime, I figure out how to use it.

Posted: 16.05.2010, 20:23
by mdaems
The 'My View' screen doesn't work. However using 'View issues' and 'Report Issue' work as normal. (I hope I translated correctly from dutch)
