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Posted: 09.04.2010, 14:24
by DestinyR

I use MSSQL 2000 Developer Edition and wish to connect from network to my PC.
I want use named pipes, but I can't understand, how to implement this with ZConnection?

Thank for help and ideas!

P.S. I can't use Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC drivers because it can't work correctly with DateTime format in mssql databases. It need be realized with SQL Native Client or Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server/

P.P.S. I can create user DSN connection with named pipes, but can't understand how to use it DSN in ZConnection/

Posted: 09.04.2010, 16:30
by DestinyR
Next solution:
1) Create DSN in ODBC datasource administrator with change client properties on named pipes.
2) Create ZConnection string through "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers"
3) Change "Provider=MSDASQL.1" in ZConnection by "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1"


Posted: 10.04.2010, 18:50
by bravecobra
What's holding you back from using TCP/IP instead of named pipes? That should make life a lot easier.

Posted: 12.04.2010, 07:38
by DestinyR
As far as I know MSSQL2K Developer Edition don't implement TCP/IP realization.
And I have installed MSSQL2k5 as main server and MSSQL2kDE as secondary service with instance name sql2000. Any attempts to remote connect to secondary instance by TCP/IP fails.

Posted: 16.04.2010, 02:52
by bravecobra
TCPIP connections are not enabled by default if I remember correctly. You can enable it with the "SQL Server Network Utility" which should be be in your menu.
Here's a screenshot of my SQL2K with TCP/IP connections enabled. It too is a SQL 2k Dev Edition