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Using the automatic installation Silverpoint Multiinstaller

Posted: 27.03.2010, 11:17
by mrLion
I propose to use Silverpoint Multiinstaller to install the distribution. With the exception of Lazarus, he supported the vast majority of versions of Delphi, and in addition sets the components at once and at Delphi and a C + + Builder.

As an example, cite INI-file, which I use to install ZEOS 6.6.6 and 7-alpha in CodeGear 2007 and 2010

Code: Select all

[Package - ZeosDBO 6.6.6]
SearchPath="src\component","src\core","src\dbc", "src\parsesql", "src\plain"
D11="packages\delphi11\ZCore.dpk", "packages\delphi11\ZPlain.dpk", "packages\delphi11\ZParseSql.dpk", "packages\delphi11\ZDbc.dpk","packages\delphi11\ZComponent.dpk", "packages\delphi11\ZComponentDesign.dpk"

;[Package - ZeosDBO 7.0.0 Alpha]
;SearchPath="src\component","src\core","src\dbc", "src\parsesql", "src\plain"
;D11="packages\delphi11\ZCore.dpk", "packages\delphi11\ZPlain.dpk", "packages\delphi11\ZParseSql.dpk", "packages\delphi11\ZDbc.dpk","packages\delphi11\ZComponent.dpk", "packages\delphi11\ZComponentDesign.dpk"
;D14="packages\delphi14\ZCore.dpk", "packages\delphi14\ZPlain.dpk", "packages\delphi14\ZParseSql.dpk", "packages\delphi14\ZDbc.dpk","packages\delphi14\ZComponent.dpk", "packages\delphi14\ZComponentDesign.dpk"

; Options format:
; [Options]
; MinimumIDEVersion =    Minimum Delphi IDE version that is supported by the packages.
; DefaultInstallFolder = Default install folder that should be selected to install.
; DefaultInstallIDE =    Default Delphi IDE version that should be selected to install.
; When both DefaultInstallIDE and DefaultInstallFolder are set the installer starts automatically.

DefaultInstallFolder = d:\c
When using this program from the distribution, you can delete projects for C + + Builder.

If necessary, I can create the specified file and post here.

Posted: 27.03.2010, 13:42
by silvioprog

Posted: 23.12.2010, 17:04
by Lyolya
You can use Delphi Package Installer (DelphiPI) for these purposes

Posted: 25.12.2010, 08:49
by mdaems
Is there something we can do to make using this DelphiPI more easy? Like adding a standard config script to the releases, ...
