I suppose you're talking about these lines:
Code: Select all
SplitQualifiedObjectName(Value, Catalog, Schema, ObjectName);
ObjectName := Connection.DbcConnection.GetMetadata.AddEscapeCharToWildcards(ObjectName);
ResultSet := Connection.DbcConnection.GetMetadata.GetProcedureColumns(Catalog, Schema, ObjectName, '');
Well, I did some investigation in the code.
My impression is that the AddEscapeCharToWildcards(ObjectName) function should be called inside each driver's implemention of GetProcedureColumns.
But maybe you read best al little more about the subject. This is the commit message for the 'AddEscapeCharToWildcards' line
Code: Select all
mdaems 5/10/2008 21:47:48
Escape underscores from the stored procedure name before looking up it's parameters - by mdaems - See http://zeos.firmos.at/viewtopic.php?t=2035
Can you provide a patch to move the 'bad' code deeper into the dbc layer? I suppose best practise is to add it for all drivers where a select statement is used in GetProcedureColumns(). So not for Mssql, which uses 'exec sp_...'.
You don't have to patch both 7.x and 6.6.x separately, as I suppose porting the patch between those two branches should be easy enough to do for me.
If you don't want to do this effort, please file a bug report on the bug tracker, pointing to this forum post.
P.S. I don't install MSSQL as one more db on my machine because of the weight all thos database put on my system. Professionally I'm developing Oracle application, so I needed to install that one (which eats away 20 % of system memory on it's own). Mysql, Postgres, FB and SQLite are not that heavy. Now starting those databases for the test suite already takes more than 1 Gb of memory away.