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MySQL Embedded 5.1 not working

Posted: 20.03.2010, 11:04
by zippo

I just wanted to report that Zeos example "Embedded" is not working with libmysql.dll from MySQL 5.1.54 (can't find the DLL version - Size is 6,23 MB (6.533.120 bytes)).

When running the example it just closes - no errors of any kind (even in the IDE)

Hope I helped :)

Posted: 21.03.2010, 06:29
by fduenas
rememeber it have to be libmysqld.dll (the las 'd') and not libmysql.dll, you can find it in any mysql 5.1 distribution in the 'embedded' folder.

Also the Embedded demos was made for 4.x version. I made it :).

For working with 5.1 you have to copy the 'share' folder from any Mysql 5.1 distribution and replace the current one included in the demo. Not all the 'share' folder is necessary, just the 'charsets' folder and the language folder, ex: 'english'

Posted: 21.03.2010, 09:37
by zippo
Jep, i did like you said, but i reported after that.