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Numeric error in PostrgeSQL, SQLite and Firebird

Posted: 13.03.2010, 07:11
by silvioprog
Hellow my friends,

I send in attached a project to reproduce the error, I think is the best way to explain what is happening. In DBEdit I can not insert a comma, but in the DBGrid I can. :?

How can I resolve this error? Which unit I search this error to solve?

Ubuntu-9.10 (and 10.04);
Lazarus- (and 0.9.29);


Posted: 13.03.2010, 20:16
by silvioprog
An note,

With the components of the palette SQLdb DBEdit works. But those components do not compare to Zeos. Zeos it's veeery gooood. :)

I noticed that the Zeos uses the type TFloatField, and SQLdb uses TBCDField. :/

Posted: 13.03.2010, 22:55
by silvioprog
Hellows my friends,

I found the bug :twisted: , and I reported here: :!:


Posted: 14.03.2010, 01:03
by silvioprog
I solved, the 'powerfull' :P solution, see: ... 894.0.html


Posted: 18.03.2010, 23:01
by mdaems
So I suppose we'll have to wait for this to work until the fpc people solve this. DBEdit controls are not in the zeoslib scope.

But : good job anyway!!
