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Error on close application with IntraWeb 10

Posted: 21.02.2010, 02:34
by ffabian
I get error :
Exception Class EAccessViolation with message 'Access violation at address 100174A7 in module 'fbclient.dll'. Write of address 011DF634'.

I use IntraWeb 10.0.23 with Delphi 2009

For example:

File, New, Other, VCL for the Web, VCL for the Web Application Wizard,
StandAlone Application, Create User Session, HTML 4.0, OK

Open Unit1.dfm

put TZConnection1, set Database, HostName, Password, User and Protocol Firebird-2.1

try Conected to True for test your setup and then go to False

put TZQuery1, set Connection to TZConnection1, SQL= select * from TABLEXX

put IWLabel from IW Standard

Open the Table on Create:
procedure TIWForm1.IWAppFormCreate(Sender: TObject);

On destroy:
procedure TIWForm1.IWAppFormDestroy(Sender: TObject);


Run the application with F9,
F9 another time inside the application,
close and then I get the error:

Exception Class EAccessViolation with message 'Access violation at address 100174A7 in module 'fbclient.dll'. Write of address 011DF634'.

I believe that the error is on line 730 of

Result := FIREBIRD_API.isc_detach_database(status_vector, db_handle);

Thank you

Posted: 22.02.2010, 17:28
by seawolf
Which FB version have you installed?

Because some FB versions seems "buggy" (i.e. FB 2.1.0)

Posted: 25.02.2010, 21:20
by ffabian
I test with fbclient

and Update the server to , the last at 2010-02-24, and the problem continue. :cry:
(I have not old fbclient.dll)

Thank you

Posted: 09.03.2010, 09:52
by seawolf
Hi, I try to reproduce that problem using Delphi 7, IW5 and FB server 2.1.3, but all seems to work as expected.

My question is related to
I believe that the error is on line 730 of

Result := FIREBIRD_API.isc_detach_database(status_vector, db_handle);
It looks like you are trying to close a database whixh is already close, so when do you have this error? Whan Destroy event is called?

Posted: 12.03.2010, 06:36
by ffabian
Hi, If the database are closed I have not error

I have the error inside the procedure TIWForm1.IWAppFormDestroy(Sender: TObject);

I believe that ZConnection1 have not valid data,

on destroy I have 2 lines
Zquery1.Close; // here I have not error
if Assigned(zConnection1) then
ZConnection1.Disconnect; // here I have error

How can I view if ZConnection1 have a valid data ?

Thank you