Row buffer width exceeded. Try using fewer or longer columns
Posted: 15.02.2010, 21:49
Hello everyone, this is my first post on Zeos.
I have zeos 7.0.0 and Delphi 2009
When a table has many fields and the total width of all is greater than 32767 the table can not be opened.
I think this would be ok if the table is HeidiSQL.
In firebird should not have this limit.
In version 6.6.6. I do not have that problem but I can not use Delphi 2009
The problem is in \src\dbc\ZDbcCache.pas line 242
// Is the length of 32,768 to TByteArray. (HeidiSQL patch)
if FColumnsSize > 32767 then
raise EZSQLException.Create(SRowBufferWidthExceeded);
Thank you
I have zeos 7.0.0 and Delphi 2009
When a table has many fields and the total width of all is greater than 32767 the table can not be opened.
I think this would be ok if the table is HeidiSQL.
In firebird should not have this limit.
In version 6.6.6. I do not have that problem but I can not use Delphi 2009
The problem is in \src\dbc\ZDbcCache.pas line 242
// Is the length of 32,768 to TByteArray. (HeidiSQL patch)
if FColumnsSize > 32767 then
raise EZSQLException.Create(SRowBufferWidthExceeded);
Thank you