[patch_done] ZVariant

Code patches written by our users to solve certain "problems" that were not solved, yet.

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[patch_done] ZVariant

Post by scheurer »

The Type TZVariant in all versions is a real memory waster.
Putting vtBoolean,vtFloat.vtDatetime and vtPointer in a case record
saves memory with any loss in function.

{** Defines a variant structure. }
TZVariant = packed record
VType: TZVariantType;
VString: AnsiString;
VUnicodeString: WideString;
VInterface: IZInterface;
//### 08.02.2010 Scheurer vtBoolean, vtInteger are alternatives
//### and not additive
case TZVariantType of
vtBoolean: (VBoolean: Boolean);
vtInteger: (VInteger: Int64);
vtFloat: (VFloat: Extended);
VtDateTime: (VDateTime: TDateTime);
VtPointer: (VPointer: Pointer);

vtString, vtUnicodestring and vtInterface are not allowed in case records.

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Post by mdaems »

SVN Rev 790.
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