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Field "ID" is required, but not supplied

Posted: 08.02.2010, 07:19
by fortezza
I use a component cxGrid for display of the data, ZQuery (CuchedUpdates = true) for connection to DB PostgreSQL.

I have such problem,
When I start the program and enter data in table, unintentionally I press header and there is a sorting, I fill the remained cells and press SaveButton and there is an error message

"Field" ID "is required, but not supplied"

If during input not to press sorting, all ок

Sorry for my English

Posted: 08.02.2010, 13:22
by seawolf
if I have understood doing a
header -> Zquery.Sort
and then
Savebutton -> Zquery.ExecSQL

you have that error .. is it correct?

Moreover .. Does that query shows a single table or needs more tables?

Re: Field "ID" is required, but not supplied

Posted: 08.02.2010, 15:20
by scheurer
fortezza wrote:Hello,
I use a component cxGrid for display of the data, ZQuery (CuchedUpdates = true) for connection to DB PostgreSQL.

I have such problem,
When I start the program and enter data in table, unintentionally I press header and there is a sorting, I fill the remained cells and press SaveButton and there is an error message

"Field" ID "is required, but not supplied"

If during input not to press sorting, all ок

Sorry for my English
This problem seems to be the same we encountered with ado and access.
Maybe my patch helps
