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SIGSEGV on lazarus with Zeoslib 6.6.6 and Firebird 2.0

Posted: 29.01.2010, 15:40
by markbass72
hi all

i've a simple project made with lazarus beta (Win XP SP3)

ZConnection1: TZConnection;
protocol: firebird-2.0
versione: 6.6.6-stable
ZQuery1: TZQuery;
connection: ZConnection1
Datasource1: TDatasource;
dataset: ZQuery1
sql: select * from EMPLOYEE
DBGrid1: TDBGrid;
datasource: Datasource1
DBNavigator1: TDBNavigator;
datasource: Datasource1

at design time, i can connect to my firebird 2.0 database succesfully (and at runtime too)

if i try to open the ZQuery1 at design time i've an "Accessi Violation" error
while at runtime (after ZQuery1.Open) i've an "External: SIGSEGV" exception

is this a bug or a my mistake?

thanks in advantage

Posted: 12.02.2010, 10:48
by mgalazka
Did you resolve your problem ? I have the same problem :( so If you resolved please give me some direction ;)
Best regards

Posted: 12.02.2010, 10:55
by markbass72
unfortunately not yet resolved

also tested on kubuntu and same release of lazarus: same error :(
this week i can test on window vista... i'll post results here

best regards

Posted: 12.02.2010, 11:08
by mgalazka
Thanks for the answer,
I have installed Lazarus on Windows XP, here I don't have any problems , all works fine... maybe it is a problem with library on linux but I don't know which should I use (I have and I got access violation i changed library but without success :(. I will try more and give direction if i solve my problem.
Best regards

Posted: 14.02.2010, 16:16
by sauroweb
I just experienced the same problem: in fact I developed a program on windows XP with delphi 7, zeos 6.6.5 and firebird 2.0.4 (superserver) using ibexpert personal to design database.

Everything worked fine since I had to substitute the pc, so I reinstalled windows XP, delphi7 with zeoslib 6.6.6 and I installed firebird 2.0.5 thinking if firebird version is still 2.0 programs still works...


As I tried to run the program windows I received "access violation at address 00000000" and closed dataset error from zquery components, that usually means You are trying to access to unexisting resources.

Checking on firebird documentation I saw that firebird require Microsoft c/c++ runtime libraries to be installed to work, in fact the relative dll's are included in installation package (also if it does not install it) So I installed Microsoft c/c++ runtime libraries but unsuccessfully.

After a lot of time spent checking what was wrong (I also sign this forum to see if there was somebody to help me), i substitute the fbclient .dll and gds32.dll in c:/windows/system32 that was installed from firebird 2.0.5 installer with the old version (2.0.4) saved from the HDD of the boken PC: now everything is working correctly.

I hope this could be helpful for You... I am not a professional programmer

Posted: 15.02.2010, 10:13
by markbass72
this week i tried this source on various systems

(1) on vista (FB 2.0.4) all goes fine
(2) on win xp pro sp3 (FB 2.0.5) nothing works and - here - bin compiled on other systems fails
(3) tried on a virtual machine too (win xp pro sp3) with FB 2.5.0 beta2 and... all goes fine

reading about sauroweb i think there's something wrong on 2.0.5 client libraries
i hope i can find an FB 2.0.4 installer to make the last test on win xp

Posted: 15.02.2010, 11:58
by markbass72

disinstalled FB 2.0.5 from my win xp pro sp3 and installed FB 2.0.3 (cause 2.0.4 not found :))

it works

Posted: 15.02.2010, 13:48
by seawolf
There are some Firebird version which gives "misterious" problems .. i.e.
2.0.5, 2.1 and 2.5 RC1

So if you use one of this version please I strongly suggset you not to install.
Tested with Delphi 7 and Delphi 2010

At the moment I installed 2.5 RC2 in order to verify if there are problems.

Posted: 16.02.2010, 14:43
by mgalazka
Hi all,
Thanks for the answer,direction etc...
I installed on Linux older version of FireBird Client 2.0.3 and all works fine with 2.1 server on WinXP.
As you mentioned 2.1.3 client library under linux gives "misterious" problems.
Thanks all for the help.
Best regards

Posted: 14.06.2011, 19:34
by ribarvlada
I have this problem with MS SQL 2005 !

Posted: 14.06.2011, 19:37
by ribarvlada
I have this problem with MS SQL 2005, Lazarus 0.9.30, ZeosLib 6.6.6 (and 7x),
Win 7 !