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Dealing with exceptions in Postgresql implementation

Posted: 28.01.2010, 16:13
by Wild_Pointer

I'm using postgresql and zeos lib v6.6.6.
I noticed that if the connection is lost the exception about that is raised. After that even closing the program generates access violations. I doubt this is normal way of dealing with broken connections :)

I guess the source of all evil is CheckPostgreSQLError in file ZDbcPostgreSqlUtils.pas:

Code: Select all

procedure CheckPostgreSQLError(Connection: IZConnection;
  PlainDriver: IZPostgreSQLPlainDriver;
  Handle: PZPostgreSQLConnect; LogCategory: TZLoggingCategory;
  LogMessage: string;
  ResultHandle: PZPostgreSQLResult);

var ErrorMessage: string;
  if Assigned(Handle) then
    ErrorMessage := Trim(StrPas(PlainDriver.GetErrorMessage(Handle)))
  else ErrorMessage := '';
  if ErrorMessage<>'' then begin
    if Assigned(ResultHandle) then begin
{     StatusCode := Trim(StrPas(PlainDriver.GetResultErrorField(ResultHandle,PG_DIAG_SEVERITY)));
     StatusCode := Trim(StrPas(PlainDriver.GetResultErrorField(ResultHandle,PG_DIAG_MESSAGE_PRIMARY)));
     StatusCode := Trim(StrPas(PlainDriver.GetResultErrorField(ResultHandle,PG_DIAG_MESSAGE_DETAIL)));
     StatusCode := Trim(StrPas(PlainDriver.GetResultErrorField(ResultHandle,PG_DIAG_MESSAGE_HINT)));
     StatusCode := Trim(StrPas(PlainDriver.GetResultErrorField(ResultHandle,PG_DIAG_STATEMENT_POSITION)));
     StatusCode := Trim(StrPas(PlainDriver.GetResultErrorField(ResultHandle,PG_DIAG_INTERNAL_POSITION)));
     StatusCode := Trim(StrPas(PlainDriver.GetResultErrorField(ResultHandle,PG_DIAG_INTERNAL_QUERY)));
     StatusCode := Trim(StrPas(PlainDriver.GetResultErrorField(ResultHandle,PG_DIAG_CONTEXT)));
     StatusCode := Trim(StrPas(PlainDriver.GetResultErrorField(ResultHandle,PG_DIAG_SOURCE_FILE)));
     StatusCode := Trim(StrPas(PlainDriver.GetResultErrorField(ResultHandle,PG_DIAG_SOURCE_LINE)));
     StatusCode := Trim(StrPas(PlainDriver.GetResultErrorField(ResultHandle,PG_DIAG_SOURCE_FUNCTION)));
     StatusCode := Trim(StrPas(PlainDriver.GetResultErrorField(ResultHandle,PG_DIAG_SQLSTATE)));
    end else begin

  if ErrorMessage <> '' then
    if Assigned(Connection) and Connection.GetAutoCommit then

    DriverManager.LogError(LogCategory, PlainDriver.GetProtocol, LogMessage,      0, ErrorMessage);
    if ResultHandle <> nil then PlainDriver.Clear(ResultHandle);
    if PlainDriver.GetStatus(Handle) = CONNECTION_BAD then
    raise EZSQLException.CreateWithStatus(StatusCode,Format(SSQLError1, [ErrorMessage]));
1. It tries to rollback connection that may already be broken.
2. It Closes the connection on libpq side, but does nothing on our side. That creates situation when we order libpq to free connection resources, but in Zeos components we still think everything is ok.

There's nothing changed in Zeos 7 (except after PlainDriver.Finish(Handle); there is Handle := nil; witch is just ignored by compiler as it does nothing).

If someone would advice how the situation should be properly handled I would try to create a patch for it as I hate access violations in my programs :).

Posted: 29.01.2010, 22:32
by mdaems

Does the compiler still ignore Handle := nil since rev 760? We made Handle a var parameter at that time. See this thread


Posted: 31.01.2010, 11:57
by Wild_Pointer
Thank you, Mark.

I've missed the point, that Handle is var parameter now. I just inserted Handle := nil into 6.6.6 version to see if that helps to solve "connection lost" problem, and obviously got negative result.

I'll report problems to the thread you provided.