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Libraries for lipq.dll and libpq81.dll cannot be found

Posted: 20.01.2010, 05:05
by vfclists
When I try to run a program developed with Lazarus on windows I get an error that libpq.dll and libpq81.dll cannot be found.

I downloaded the latest postgresql 8.4 to ensure the libraries would be present but it didn't work. So I extracted one from an older pgAdmin 3 installer.

That works inside the IDE but when I try to run the program outside the I get the same error, and also one about a missing comerr32.dll.

Is there some package that contains all of these?

Does Zeoslib work with any Postgres 8.x libraries or only the one present when it is compiled?


Posted: 20.01.2010, 05:38
by Pitfiend
I'm not really sure about, but I think you need to provide the dll in the system search path or in the same directory as your application.

When I try the mysql ones, I did that and all runs fine. Just provide the right ones for you case and db.

Posted: 20.01.2010, 09:24
by cariad

Posted: 17.05.2010, 21:23
by simpsomboy
I am having the same problem... and the libraries are just in the same folder as executable, as well in windows paths.

I am using the latest 8.4.4-1 libpq.dll. zeos needs a previous version?

Posted: 17.05.2010, 21:24
by simpsomboy
I forgot to mention.... also inside IDE I cannot connect.

Posted: 17.05.2010, 22:41
by seawolf
Which is the error message?

Because you need more dlls than the only libpq.dll

Posted: 10.07.2010, 19:54
by touchring
I've copied all the DLLs in C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.4\bin to my delphi app folder, yet i am still getting this error -

Can't connect to database. None of the dynamic libraries can be found: libpq81.dll, libpq.dll

Any thoughts? Thanks. :)

Posted: 12.07.2010, 11:24
by marcov
Try to put them in the path, specially for the IDE this could matter, because the working dir of the IDE is not very well defined under Delphi.

Under Lazarus it is compiletime and runtime defined to be the place where the .exe ends up, and afaik undefined otherwise.

I took the dlls from pgadmin3 installation btw, and they worked fine.

Posted: 23.07.2010, 08:37
by adragan2
I had the same problem.
In the IDE put at Project->Options->Search Path the path to the ..\Postgres\Bin directory.
To have it perform Ok at run-time you have to go to
Start->Settings->Control Panel->System->Advanced->System Variables and
add the path to the ..\Postgres\Bin directory from your computer.