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How use locate with more than one field ?

Posted: 19.01.2010, 21:23
by jorgecostabr
Hi, How can i use the function locate on zquery with more than one field? I try to use the same way that i use frequently whith the vararrayof but it not work ok.

Posted: 25.01.2010, 23:26
by mdaems

It *should* work te same way it does with other datasets, I believe. So please give us a sample of the code (and corresponding database in form of a create+insert script) showing the problem.

Also, please don't forget to mention zeoslib and compiler version you're working with.


Posted: 26.01.2010, 17:36
by jorgecostabr
I´m using Zeos 6.6.4 and Delphi 2009. The source code that i tried is:
If zQuery.Locate('field1;field2;Field3',VararrayOf[(text1,text2,text3)], [])

the same way that i used with component IBquery.

Posted: 29.01.2010, 13:41
by KDeveloper2
try this:

zQuery.Locate('field1,field2,Field3',VararrayOf([text1,text2,text3]), [])

otherwise i think you should use Zeos 7 for Delphi 2009

Posted: 25.03.2010, 04:38
by klchin
Sorry, wong info

KL Chin