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Delphi 2009 and Zeos

Posted: 14.01.2010, 16:32
by void_main
Hi everybody;

I downloaded Zeos 7.0 in Delphi 2009 and set up these components.

when I compiled one by one it isn't a problem no error...

but finally I installed ZComponentDesign package and get error...

Can't load package C:\ZEOSDBO-7.0.0-alpha\packages\delphi12\build\ZComponentDesign120.bpl

but I find ZComponentDesign120.bpl in C:\ZEOSDBO-7.0.0-alpha\packages\delphi12\build..

I don't know what is problem.....

Posted: 15.01.2010, 11:51
by KDeveloper2
you have to copy

..\build\*.bpl --> C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\All Users\Dokumente\RAD Studio\7.0\Bpl\

found in ... ht=rad+bpl

Posted: 16.01.2010, 14:46
by seawolf
Try this

1. close Delphi 2009
2. go to zeos\packages\delphi12\build and delete all the files;
3. open Delphi 2009
4. go to File -> Open Project -> zeos\packages\delphi12\Zeosdbo.groupproj
5. go to Project -> compile all projects
6. go to Project -> build all projects

Posted: 02.02.2010, 13:08
by void_main
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Belgeler\RAD Studio\6.0\Bpl is empty. ?
Also, why it is
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Belgeler\RAD Studio\6.0\Bpl
you wrote C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Dokumente\RAD Studio\7.0\Bpl\
so my computer \6.0 but you \7.0

I appled but get error again
Unable to locate project C:\ZeosDBO-7.0.0\package\delphi12\ZTestBugReport.dproj. The project reference has been removed from the project group.

Posted: 02.02.2010, 13:35
by KDeveloper2
I use Delphi 2010 thats why it is
...\RAD Studio\7.0\Bpl..

did you try to copy the files to "...\RAD Studio\6.0\Bpl" ?

or search for other *.bpl you are using and try to copy these files there.

Posted: 02.02.2010, 14:55
by void_main
ohhh I will crayz, it didn't .....
please somebody help me to remote control connect my computer

Posted: 02.02.2010, 14:59
by void_main
Mr Robert I try your answer and I install again ZeosDBO

Posted: 02.02.2010, 17:19
by KDeveloper2
i had the same problem,
i do "compile all" and the i tried to install ZComponentDesign....bpl .
but Delphi couldn't find the new bpl files,
so i copied the files to other bpl. (eg. c:\windows\system32)

what did you try?

give me more infos what you do!!

Posted: 05.02.2010, 12:23
by void_main
I try to install ZComponentDesign120.bpl I get error.
ZComponentDesign - CodeGear RAD Studio for Microsoft Windows - Welcome Page: bds.exe
Eception Processing Message c0000139 Parameters 1a2a10 1975d0 75b4bf7c 75b4bf7c

this is exception and get error again
Can't load package C:\Program Files\CodeGear\RAD Studio\6.0\lib\Zeos7\packages\delphi12\build\ZComponentDesign120.bpl

Posted: 05.02.2010, 15:42
by seawolf
I did some changes for delphi 2009 package. Copy this file to the ..\packages\Delphi12\

ZDbc and ZCore are referring some files which does not exists

Posted: 05.02.2010, 15:45
by seawolf
I did some changes for delphi 2010 package. Copy this file to the ..\packages\Delphi14\

ZTEstComponent is not compiled by ZeosDBODev and ZCore sotre bpl in a wrong directory

Posted: 05.02.2010, 16:36
by void_main
seawolf thank you for helping, but it didn't again and get the same error :(

Posted: 06.02.2010, 14:51
by void_main
I wanna to thanks everybody but
gto specially to you...
problem is solved thank you seawolf and KDeveloper2 too...