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when you try to install the component in Lazarus Zeos.

Posted: 11.11.2009, 10:08
by miltoncarlos
Good morning,
I'm trying to install the component in Lazarus Zeos v664 and so the following error follows below:

C: \ ProgramFiles \ lazarus \ lazarus \ components \ zeos664 \ src \ component \ ZPropertyEditor.pas (1,1) Fatal: Can not find unit PropEdits used by ZPropertyEditor

how to solve this problem.
Milton CArlos

Posted: 12.11.2009, 03:44
by miltoncarlos
You can close the topic solved

You must uninstall all general use revounistaler and remove everything that is of Lazaros, i reinstall version 9.28.2 and Lazarus zeos 665 to be hard work had to do 3 times and at last it seems that everything is ok now, but only not want to install a component q is the form to be gradient but this is for other attempts.

Milton carlo $