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I'm not using Zeos, why he tries to search it

Posted: 11.11.2009, 09:47
by miltoncarlos
Hello Good Morning
I made a program that uses mysql5 Lazarus and was compiling correctly, i installed Zeos and every time I send to compile the program that has muysql5 component and not have it Zeos of this error message:

IDEIntf \ (54.2) Fatal: Can not open include file ".. \"

has no component in the form of Zeos and he tries to find and how to solve it. is giving these errors after I installed Zeos and apparently was all right but when I saw these errors in compiling the Zeos.

milton carlos

Posted: 12.11.2009, 00:37
by mdaems
What's doing in the ideintf directory? I suppose it tries to open, thinking it is in the lazarus directories.

I'd say : rename/remove it and rebuild lazarus. It may be necessary to uninstall and reinstall the zeoslib packages from the ide.


You can close the topic solved

Posted: 12.11.2009, 02:59
by miltoncarlos
You must uninstall all general use revounistaler and remove all q's of Lazaros, i reinstall version 9.28.2 and Lazarus zeos 665 to be hard work've had to make about 3 times and the last q it all seems ok now, but just do not want to install a component q is the form to be gradient but this is for other attempts.

Milton carlo $