Zeos and Lazarus error when compiling
Posted: 11.11.2009, 08:55
How to solve this error when compiling the program component is installed correctly is what appears to send but when compiling it shows this error:
IDEIntf \ ZComponent.inc (54.2) Fatal: Can not open include file ".. \ Zeos.inc"
how to solve it, you have to put something in the build options to find the directory that the component in Delphi 2007 is in options, and library32 adciona paths where the components and Lazarus have to do it, and you have to do .
Milton Carlos
IDEIntf \ ZComponent.inc (54.2) Fatal: Can not open include file ".. \ Zeos.inc"
how to solve it, you have to put something in the build options to find the directory that the component in Delphi 2007 is in options, and library32 adciona paths where the components and Lazarus have to do it, and you have to do .
Milton Carlos