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Strange characters

Posted: 08.11.2009, 11:53
by WorldWalker

I am using a db with character ENCODING = 'Latin9', and when I post a string including special characters (latin9) they are converted to strange ones.
Postgres 8.4.1
D2010 Pro
Zeos Rev.716
Did someone faced that before?

Posted: 11.11.2009, 23:51
by mdaems
Can't you switch the client encoding to UTF8, leaving the conversion to the db client/server protocol? Don't know enough about postgres, but that would be a possible solution with mysql.


Posted: 12.11.2009, 06:27
by WorldWalker
I've just tried this, it didn't work neither.

Thank you again.

Posted: 23.11.2009, 14:34
by MaGNa
I have the same problem, a table with fields to varchar with collation "utf-8" and when keeping any text from Delphi, for example "ESPAÑA" it keeps "ESPAÑ", or "Varón" it keeps "VarÃÂ".

They can indicate like solving it to me? Thanks

Posted: 15.01.2010, 11:57
by KDeveloper2
any news here to solve this problem?

Posted: 16.01.2010, 15:16
by yapt
On the ZConnection.Properties, add this:


Or on the ZConnection BeforeConnect Event:

Code: Select all

procedure TForm1.ZConnection1BeforeConnect(Sender: TObject);
Please, let me know if that runs as expected...

Posted: 17.01.2010, 19:06
by KDeveloper2
thanks for response, i´ve already add these property but it doesn´t work in mysql.
Any other idea?

Posted: 17.01.2010, 20:23
by yapt
I was speaking about PostgreSQL only. I don't know almost anything about MySQL.


Posted: 11.05.2010, 13:58
by olivdaum
I'm new in this discussion but not with the problem.
I have the same problem with PostgreSQL.

I tried a lot of things, and
codepage=UTF8 into ZConnection.Properties doesn't work, neither into ZConnection BeforeConnect Event.
Does some body have a new idea please ? :wallb:

Thank you.