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TZConnection and Firebird

Posted: 24.08.2009, 17:59
by sat

I'm using ZEOS 6.5.5 with BDS 2006 and Firebird 2.1; When i try use TZConnection.Disconnect, if Firebird service is not active or the connection with database server is lost, this method raise exceptions, so, it's impossible use TZConnection.Reconnect. I have to restart my aplication.

It's a bug?

Posted: 25.08.2009, 06:52
by seawolf
After releasing zeos 6.6.5 Zeos dev team patched some bugs related to the problem you watched, so try using lastest zeos svn in order to verify if that error is raised one more time

Posted: 25.08.2009, 21:47
by mdaems
Make sure you use SVN 6.6-patches branch at svn://
