Firebird/Zeoslib 6.6.5-stable
Posted: 05.08.2009, 01:20
Hi everyone.
I´m using Dephi 7, Firebird and Zeoslib 6.6.5-stable. It´s running fine, but when ocur an error with sql statements, the error messages are very strange, for example, see the following message for a foreign key violation:
Project prj.exe raised exception class EZSQLException with message 'SQL Error: violation of FOREIGN KEY constraint "@1" on table "@2" Foreign key reference target does not exist. Error Code: -530. violation of FOREIGN KEY constraint "@1" The SQL: INSERT INTO RESUMOVENDAS (RESUMOVENDAS.CODIGO_RESUMOVENDA,
Is correct the fragment "constraint "@1" on table "@2" "? zeos don't 'solve' the @1 and @2?
I´m using Dephi 7, Firebird and Zeoslib 6.6.5-stable. It´s running fine, but when ocur an error with sql statements, the error messages are very strange, for example, see the following message for a foreign key violation:
Project prj.exe raised exception class EZSQLException with message 'SQL Error: violation of FOREIGN KEY constraint "@1" on table "@2" Foreign key reference target does not exist. Error Code: -530. violation of FOREIGN KEY constraint "@1" The SQL: INSERT INTO RESUMOVENDAS (RESUMOVENDAS.CODIGO_RESUMOVENDA,
Is correct the fragment "constraint "@1" on table "@2" "? zeos don't 'solve' the @1 and @2?