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Firebird embedded with utf8 database

Posted: 07.07.2009, 20:33
by ibrahim
Hi to you all.
I'm writing an application with a firebird 2.1 database with utf8 char set.
I used till now a DBX library (tbodbxfb) to insert data and I'm trying now to switch to Zeos components.
I use Delphi 2007 and the Tnt components and I'm getting strange characters in my fields when I use Zeos 6.6.5 library.
I made a little test application and I noticed that if I use the UTF8Decode function to set the data from a database field into a tntmemo field in my form the characters are ok.
I put codepage=UTF8 in the properties field of mu connection but nothing changes.
Any idea?


Posted: 07.07.2009, 20:53
by ibrahim
I made some test to insert data with the zeos components and I after I post data I get a lot of question marks in the field like this ?????.

Posted: 07.07.2009, 22:42
by seawolf
Version 7 supports unicode, version 6 not.

Anyway I've never used TNT, but Zeos use for all the db call ansistring variables