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Posted: 22.06.2009, 17:02
by zippo

I have a quite strange problem with Zeos + MySQL 5.0.51a thru SSL:

I hase a simple "select * From templates" query that randomly fails three different ways:

SQL Error: MySQL server has gone away

Access violation at address 7C910A19 in module 'ntdll.dll'. Read of address C17A0B62

Access violation at address 7C910A19 in module 'libmysql50.dll'. Read of address C17A0B62

What could be the problem? If I run this program 10 times I will get random exceptions, every 2 or 3 times no exception at all... ?!?!?

I tried to change the DLLs, rechecked the SSL (I'm quite sure that this isn't the reason)... The strange thing is that it happens always on the same query.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, because I'm stuck here at least 3 days, with no improvement at all..

Posted: 23.06.2009, 23:43
by mdaems
Really seems to be a dll/server problem...
Access violation at address 7C910A19 in module 'ntdll.dll'. Read of address C17A0B62
Looks like something's going wrong in the dll itself


Posted: 16.10.2009, 19:06
by duzenbury
Having a similar problem here. We are not using SSL to connect, but I have lots of crash logs. It seems to us that if there is any sort of trouble talking to the mysql server, then we start having access violations.

The last recognizable function call is generally TZAbstractRODataset.FetchOneRow.

When I put a TZMysqlMonitor on the form, the last error message is:
errcode: 2013, error: Lost connection to MySQL server during query

Our application doesn't get that error however, just an access violation.

Code: Select all

|7C901000|ntdll.dll        |                      |                   |RtlEnterCriticalSection      |         |
|7C912CC9|ntdll.dll        |                      |                   |LdrLockLoaderLock            |         |
|7C912CFF|ntdll.dll        |                      |                   |LdrLockLoaderLock            |         |
|7C9010E0|ntdll.dll        |                      |                   |RtlLeaveCriticalSection      |         |
|7C90F679|ntdll.dll        |                      |                   |RtlNtStatusToDosErrorNoTeb   |         |
|7C90F657|ntdll.dll        |                      |                   |RtlNtStatusToDosError        |         |
|7C90F65C|ntdll.dll        |                      |                   |RtlNtStatusToDosError        |         |
|7C90F679|ntdll.dll        |                      |                   |RtlNtStatusToDosErrorNoTeb   |         |
|7C90F657|ntdll.dll        |                      |                   |RtlNtStatusToDosError        |         |
|7C90F65C|ntdll.dll        |                      |                   |RtlNtStatusToDosError        |         |
|7C9010E0|ntdll.dll        |                      |                   |RtlLeaveCriticalSection      |         |
|7C903247|ntdll.dll        |                      |                   |RtlConvertUlongToLargeInteger|         |
|7C90E485|ntdll.dll        |                      |                   |KiUserApcDispatcher          |         |
|0054B348|AAgentMonitor.exe|ZAbstractRODataset.pas|TZAbstractRODataset|FetchOneRow                  |805[0]   |
|0054B2F5|AAgentMonitor.exe|ZAbstractRODataset.pas|TZAbstractRODataset|FetchRows                    |790[12]  |
|0054B2B4|AAgentMonitor.exe|ZAbstractRODataset.pas|TZAbstractRODataset|FetchRows                    |778[0]   |
|0054BE6B|AAgentMonitor.exe|ZAbstractRODataset.pas|TZAbstractRODataset|GetRecord                    |1074[24] |