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Server gone away after a select query

Posted: 13.06.2009, 17:50
by zippo

I have a very strange problem. When executing a select query (that is correct, because it works in the MySQL Browser) instead of the result i get an error "MySql has gone away". Must say that the server works without problems.

- It happens only on one database.
- The server doesn't crash.

I noticed the big number at system status variable "Aborted_clients", but I can't explain what could be possibly wrong. I tried:

- To connect as a different user.
- To connect from a different client

Please, I need urgent help, because in the testing phase this never happened (onn the same server) and now that we use the application "live" this is a critical issue!

MySQL 5.0.51 on Linux
Zeos 6.5.x

Posted: 16.06.2009, 13:54
by mdaems
THis usually means some minor incompatibility between client dll and mysql server. Are ou using the 5.0.51 dll?
I have no explanation what the number of aborted clients concerns. It may very well be related.


Posted: 16.06.2009, 14:07
by zippo
Found the bug.. It was a communication problem. Our client got a very unstable line and strange things happened.


Posted: 22.06.2009, 16:17
by zippo
Jost for curiosity - how you know what version of the DLL ar you using..? I use the Zeos bundled mysql5.dll

Posted: 23.06.2009, 23:40
by mdaems
Hi zippo,

At the moment we don't bundle the dll's anymore in the official releases. the general advise is to use the official dll's for the server release you're using.

To know what version you're using you can always use the ZConnection.ClientVersionStr property.
