Params and ParamData duplication in DFM files

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Params and ParamData duplication in DFM files

Post by mac_srv »

Hi All,

Could someone confirm that TZQuery and TZStoredProc parameters got duplicated in DFM files with sets named "Params" and "ParamData"?

Here an example:

Code: Select all

    object QryRes: TZQuery
    Connection = ZConnection
    SQL.Strings = (
      'Select * From Reservatorio Where CodUsina = :CodUsina')
    Params = <
        DataType = ftUnknown
        Name = 'CodUsina'
        ParamType = ptUnknown
    DataSource = SrcUsina
    Left = 384
    Top = 16
    ParamData = <
        DataType = ftUnknown
        Name = 'CodUsina'
        ParamType = ptUnknown
This data duplication does not seems to develop any error.

I'm just checking because I'm working with a BDE migration procedure using Regex and I realized this fact comparing the DFM files during the tests.


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