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Column with name "Extra" was not found

Posted: 19.04.2009, 23:55
by ozxbi

I'm using Delphi7 with Zeos components.

I use Datasource, ZConnection and ZTable.
I set all and and I make the := True; then I get an error
Column name with "Extra" was not found

Where is the problem?

Posted: 20.04.2009, 07:55
by seawolf
first of all what db are you using?
Probably "Extra" is a reserved word so try changing name of that column

Posted: 20.04.2009, 08:36
by mdaems
Did you find this forum post : ?

This problem should be solved since long. What version of zeoslib are you using?


ZeosLib Mysql

Posted: 20.04.2009, 11:17
by ozxbi

I solved the problem.
I downloaded the Zeosbdo and it working well.
Thank you for your help