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Retrieving XML data by using FOR XML in SELECT statement

Posted: 03.03.2009, 19:00
by slimbyte
Hi there,

I was wondering if is possible to retrieve XML data from SQL Server 2005 by using FOR XML in the SELECT statement.
I have successfully prepared the TZConnection using ado protocol and following connection string:

[font=Courier New]provider=SQLXMLOLEDB.3.0;data provider=SQLOLEDB;Integrated Security=SSPI;
Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=sysmonitor;Data Source=WINXPDEV\SQLEXPRESS

but if I execute the following statement in a TZQuery:

[font=Courier New]SELECT * FROM symServers ORDER BY symServers.[Name]
FOR XML RAW('Server'), ROOT('Servers')

I get following error: SQLXMLOLEDB Provider command object can only execute to a stream

Anybody done this before with these components?
