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None of the dynamic libraries can be found: fbclientd20.dll

Posted: 22.02.2009, 17:35
by lukezeoslib
I use windows xp home edition + zeoslib 6.6.4-stable + delphi7 + firebird 2.0 in my developing environment.

Firstly, I used a embedded fb database in my program, they all run ok in my developing machine, but after I copied this program with its all .dll files to another machine which is a clear windows xp system, the problem appeared.

When I tried to connect to the embedded fb database at clear system, the message was showed on the screen: 'None of the dynamic libraries can be found: fbclientd20.dll, fbclientd.dll.'... but I have renameed the fbembed.dll to fbclientd20.dll or fbclientd.dll... I don't know why, because the same program runs ok in the developping sytem. :(

I have searched the forum and have found two threads about it, but obvirously they did not have the result what I need.


Posted: 23.02.2009, 12:52
by seawolf
Before writing this post I tried several times verify your problem with no luck

On your developing pc Have you installed Firebird server too?
Have you copied the whole dir from the developing pc to the new pc?

It looks like on your developing pc that 2 dlls are placed in different directories other than the project dir. Have you searched they?

Posted: 23.02.2009, 14:47
by lukezeoslib
Thank you, seawolf.

I have found the reason in this morning. That's the firebird's problem. I used the firebird 2.1.1 embeded edition, It might be compiled under VS2005, so when I copied the whole project directory to the clean pc, it didn't include the files such as Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest, msvcp80.dll, msvcr80.dll, because I did not need them in my developing pc at the same named project directory.

After I copied the whole firebird embeded directory to my clean pc's project directory, they were ok. I posted this problem to other forum, someone gave me a cue about that I could download another version without Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest from the snapshot of firebird website. :D