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Warning: other unit files search path (aka unit path) of "zcomponentdesign 8.0" ...

Posted: 27.09.2024, 04:05
by h_visli
Hi, guys.

I'm a newbie in Lazarus.
I installed ZerosLib 8.0 in Lazarus.
Lazarus IDE report two warning messages when I compile my project:
Warning: other unit files search path (aka unit path) of "zcomponentdesign 8.0" contains "D:\zeosdbo-8.0.0-stable\src\component", which belongs to package "zcomponent"
Warning: other unit files search path (aka unit path) of "zcomponent 8.0" contains "D:\zeosdbo-8.0.0-stable\src\component", which belongs to package "zcomponentdesign"
What's going on here? What should I do to get rid of these warning messages?