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App with Zeos memory size increasing

Posted: 11.02.2015, 09:20
by afreitag
I have a simple Application.exe builded in Delphi XE, this App loads DLL library by function LoadLibrary('lib.dll'); in lib.dll there is a unit which uses ZDataset module, there is any Zeos object declaration, any Zeos object has been created, any DB ZConnection, any ZQuery, only LoadLibrary which uses ZDataset unit)
and now I'm testing and debuging this App with different Zeos:
with Zeos 6 App after LoadLibrary takes 4,4 MB of RAM,
after changing on Zeos 7.1.4 the same App takes 25,5 MB RAM
five times more memory with new Zeos? any suggestions? are in ZDataset some Buffers which size I can change?

Re: App with Zeos memory size increasing

Posted: 11.02.2015, 18:02
by afreitag
It seems that in new Zeos all DB drivers are loading in initialization, I'll check it

Re: App with Zeos memory size increasing

Posted: 16.02.2015, 16:43
by afreitag
Yes, I remote using all DB drivers without one and using memory is quite low