Range check error

The forum for ZeosLib 7.2 Report problems. Ask for help, post proposals for the new version and Zeoslib 7.2 features here. This is a forum that will be edited once the 7.2.x version goes into RC/stable!!

My personal intention for 7.2 is to speed up the internals as optimal a possible for all IDE's. Hope you can help?! Have fun with testing 7.2
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Range check error

Post by hafedh.trimeche »

Compiler Delphi XE7 DEBUG Mode

Code: Select all

raised exception (range check error) when calling the Hash function

Code: Select all

procedure TZFunctionsList.Add(Func: IZFunction);
  Index: Integer;
  aKey : LongInt;
  aName: string;

  aName := Uppercase(Func.Name);
  aKey  := Hash({$IFDEF UNICODE}AnsiString{$ENDIF}(aName));
  Index := FindByKeyAndName(aKey, aName);
  if Index < 0 then
    SetKey(aKey, FFunctions.Count-1);
    raise TZExpressionError.Create('Function '+Func.Name+' already defined!');
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Re: Range check error

Post by wiwiechris »

I ran into the same error (Use code ZEOS 7.2 svn Revision 3619 with D2010).
I think you found another example of a more general problem (See my postings in the 7.1.4-stable Forum).

The point is that the compiler range checkings are switched OFF when the ZEOS-source is compiled and the components are installed.
With that default installation some range problems do not come to the surface, even if range checking a activated in the application.

As a crosscheck, I added some ZEOS-source modules to my projects (to force compilation) and activated the compiler checkings.
The range violations are obvious now.
As I concentrate on the ORACLE part, maybe other modules/databases are also affected.

My proposal is to deliver (and test) the ZEOS project-sources with all checkings activated.

Best regards

ZEOS Version 7.1.4-Stable
Delphi 2010

Christoph Wiwie
Certified Tester/ Certified Requirements Engineer
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Re: Range check error

Post by hemmingway »

-> My proposal is to deliver (and test) the ZEOS project-sources with all checkings activated.

This is the right way to deliver common sources. I have attached a patch for this problem.

Greetings, Bernhard
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Re: Range check error

Post by marsupilami »

Hello Bernhard,

while I agree that Zeoslib should be tested with range checks on and while I agree that it should work correctly with enabled range checks and not generate exceptions and errors, I have to disagree about the distribution. A lot of our users are not interested in testing Zeoslib. They want it to do its job as fast as possible without doing errors. So I assume that Zeoslib will continue to be delivered with range checks disabled. Everybody who wants the extra checks can quite easily enable them in the project filesWith best regards,

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Re: Range check error

Post by hemmingway »


I haven't made myself clear enough.

I mean
My proposal is to deliver (and test) the ZEOS project-sources are working with all checkings activated.

While project development I switched on all debug checkings. But ZEOS crashes with these settings. The solution is to fix the code or as workaround apply the patch.

Greetings, Bernhard
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Re: Range check error

Post by marsupilami »

Hello Bernhard,

I spent some hours during the weekend to remove a lot of the range check errors. Please check the current SVN version for 7.2. One more hint: if you enable range checks ($R+) there is an {$ifopt $R-} in the Zeos.inc that you probably want to modify. Otherwise you might get additional Exceptions that are caused by a function that checks wether Field contents can be converted without loosing information.

Let me know what you think,

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Re: Range check error

Post by hemmingway »

Hello Jan,

the range check error in ZFunctions.pas ist fixed. :D
In ZDbcMySqlResultSet.pas the range check error is still present.
I cannot reproduce In ZVariant.pas the range check error at the moment.

FLengthArray[ColumnIndex{$IFNDEF GENERIC_INDEX}-1{$ENDIF}]
range check can not work.

FLengthArray is defined as
TMySQLLengthArray = array[0..0] of Ulong;

A ColumnIndex greater than 0 fails.

Greetings, Bernhard
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Re: Range check error

Post by hemmingway »


I think this is the best solution:

TMySQLLengthArray = array[0..999] of Ulong; //http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/4.1/en/ ... limit.html

Greetings, Bernhard
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