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Zeos 7 Alpha and Delphi 2009 Support - Official Thread

Posted: 24.11.2008, 12:30
by gto
Hello People!
I'll post news in this topic. For all you people which want Zeos running in D2009, stay tunned.

Work LOG
  • 23/11/2008 - Initial release of Zeos 7 with D2009 support for MySQL protocol
  • 25/11/2008 - mariusz sent a LOT of fixes for SQLite. It's a Work-In-Progress too, but many things should be working fine. Please test it!
  • 26/11/2008 - New patch with Firebird/Interbase working. We did a few tests, but the main resources should be OK. Please test it!
  • 26/11/2008 - mdaems did a good job on Stream parts of Zeos Core and Parse layers. Now some problems are corrected and PostgreSQL (and probably others) should be working!

Download: Using SVN, pointing to svn://

Install: There's a new folder in packages, called Delphi12.

Test: You may test it as hard as you can. We NEED you do this testing and post us replies or bug reports. [s]By now, MySQL related are prefered.[/s] Testing on all parts is needed and welcome!

Use: As far as possible, do not use it in production. You've been warned.

[s]The test database is MySQL! This is the only protocol which we have tested under D2009. You may try other protocols, but be warned that they're untested yet!

While you're testing this, we're working hard on Firebird/Interbase and PostgreSQL. I'll post the news here, too.[/s]

Updated: MySQL, SQLite, Firebird, Interbase and PostgreSQL whould be working OK. Please, test them!

That's all, folks!

Posted: 24.11.2008, 13:05
by Faceker
This is very good news :)

I'm looking forward to supports for SQLite protocol.

Posted: 24.11.2008, 14:51
by mdaems
Just test it. The changes should be done. We just didn't test them ourselves. The version compiles with SQLite support enabled.
Now it's up to you boys...
Faceker, can you do the SQLite first tests?
What gto did mostly boils down to changing PChar's to PAnsiChars so D2009 knows it shouldn't map these PChars to PWideChars. This ensures the buffers used for connecting to the database dll's have the same sizes/interpretation in D2009 as they did before.
I suppose (but I'm not sure) this is no guarantee that using unicode strings will allways work like expected.
If you find problems you can patch, just let us know. Open a new thread in this forum and go ahead... We'll do our best to mark the threads [bug_fixed] [ bug_fixed ] or [patch_done] [ patch_done ] as soon as possible.


BTW, this is a 'work in progres' forum. Don't use it for reference materials. Probably we'll clean the thread that are not longer relevant (fixed or rejected) from time to time.

Posted: 24.11.2008, 15:43
by Faceker
I will try this version in my new project.
If I found problems, I will post to here.

Posted: 29.11.2008, 21:27
by Galdarius
i have a question...
if i make some changes in version 6.6.4, like ANDI to WIDE, can i install the version 6x on delphi 2009, to work with a ANSI Firebird database?


Posted: 01.12.2008, 11:19
by gto
Galdarius wrote:i have a question...
if i make some changes in version 6.6.4, like ANDI to WIDE, can i install the version 6x on delphi 2009, to work with a ANSI Firebird database?

6.x does not work in D2009 ;)

Posted: 01.12.2008, 13:29
by maco2008
Hello, I just registered, I am new to this and the truth I speak Spanish, and I am using a translator, I need this component with support for delphi2009, I think it brings the version 7, because I do not know where I need to download it, you give me svn: / / / zeos / branches / testing, but do not know how to download it, I use windows platform.


Posted: 01.12.2008, 13:43
by maco2008
thanks. and I discovered how to open that URL, thanks.

Posted: 01.12.2008, 14:53
by maco2008
good, very good thanks you..

Posted: 01.12.2008, 23:56
by gto
maco2008 wrote:good, very good thanks you..
Gook to know that you find out how to download from SVN ;)

And remember, this is an alpha release, TEST IT before use in production!

Ah, and if you test and it don't work, come back here and post your problem, in this forum, this topic or at the bug tracker. If it works, let us know, too!

Thank you!

Test Zeos7 and Firebird 2.1

Posted: 04.12.2008, 22:24
by tkyr
Hi to all.
I have done some first quick tests with Firebird v.2.1, Zeos v.7 and D2009. Up now seems to be ok. I can do some more advanced use of Zeos7 in the next weeks.
The only problem i have for now is about UTF8 fields.
When a field is declared as UTF8 field in Db, is normal that in DbControls (p.e. DbGrid) its data are displayed untranslated as an unreadable sequence of utf8chars and not as unicode chars? I think that no.
Please let me now if that is also the opinition of What happens for other supported Dbs?

In D2009 (as opposite than D7) the ibx components seems don't function at all for firebird v2/2.1 if the select has UTF8 fields. If so, i believe that a relative big number of developers will have to convert to Zeos componenst as the first from opensource alternative that support D2009.

Posted: 04.12.2008, 23:05
by gto
Hi tkyr!

Good to know about your testing :)
The full support for unicode fields aren't OK yet, but we're working on it.

I'm really unexperienced with utf-8 in firebird. There's a possibility you can provide us a test program, with the SQL to create a test DB?

the support for unicode in SQLite, PostgreSQL and MySQL is being worked, too. The main efforts, now, are comming from mariusz.

I didn't know about IBX... what a shame, huh?
Good for us :)

Posted: 04.12.2008, 23:19
by mariuszekpl
tkyr - can you publish some code and database with utf8 data ?
My version zeos support unicode in sqlite and postgresql. Firebird is next :)
there you can find my sample application and my zeos 7 code

tkyr - publish sample application, + database + dll

Posted: 05.12.2008, 17:27
by tkyr
First of all, thanks for the replies

Ok. I can put together
a) a very simple DB with 1 table (with 1 UTF8 field and an Ansi field) and some rows of data
b) its creation DDL script
c) a very simple appl (one form with a TDataSource, TDbGrid and some TDbEdits contols
in a zip file
if the above is ok, where i can upload the zip file? Or just attach it with message?

Posted: 05.12.2008, 18:43
by mariuszekpl
1)zip all (project, database and dll witch you use to connect)
2)use to upload file
3) write url at