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decimal and thousand separator

Posted: 22.11.2008, 16:17
by fcodebue
I have a field defined DECIMAL(18,6) with a default value 100.000000
When I append a new record, I set default value using component TZSQLMetadada and this code:

tabella_default := tzsqlmetadata.create(self);
tabella_default.tablename := tabella_tablename;
tabella_default.metadatatype := mdcolumns;
tabella_default.connection := tabella.connection;;

when I use this istruction my_table.fieldbyname('field_decimal').value := tabella_default.fieldbyname('column_def').value

zeos assign a 100000000 value instead 100.000000 (so use decimal separator and not thousand separator)

I use these code with firebird and postgres without problem