TZParam Currency Values Saved as its Int64 representation
Posted: 28.05.2024, 01:56
I am upgrading a VCL Win32 application from Delphi 11.3 using Zeos 7.2 to Delphi 12.1 using Zeos 8.0 with SQLlite.
When Inserting/Updating Values into a table using the TZParam AsCurrency property, the value is stored in the table as the int64 representation of the value rather than the real value.
e.g. Query.ParamByName('Amount').AsCurrency := 1.23; will save the amount as 12300
Using AsFloat rather that AsCurrency works fine.
The AsCurrency approach worked fine in Zeos 7.
When Inserting/Updating Values into a table using the TZParam AsCurrency property, the value is stored in the table as the int64 representation of the value rather than the real value.
e.g. Query.ParamByName('Amount').AsCurrency := 1.23; will save the amount as 12300
Using AsFloat rather that AsCurrency works fine.
The AsCurrency approach worked fine in Zeos 7.
Code: Select all
Writeln( 'Creating Database with Amount field as type Float...');
Connection := TZConnection.Create(nil);
Connection.Database := '';
Connection.Protocol := 'sqlite';
Connection.ExecuteDirect('CREATE TABLE TableA ( Amount REAL)');
Writeln( 'Add Amount value of 1.23 using "AsCurrency"... it is saved as 12300 in the database');
Query := TZQuery.Create( nil);
Query.Connection := Connection;
Query.SQL.Text := 'INSERT INTO TableA (Amount) VALUES (:Amount)';
Query.ParamByName('Amount').AsCurrency := 1.23;
Writeln( 'Values is retrieved as 12300 when it should be 1.23');
Query.SQL.Text := 'SELECT AMOUNT FROM TableA';
WriteLn( Format( 'Amount AsFloat is %n',[ Query.FieldByName('Amount').AsFloat]));
WriteLn( Format( 'Amount AsCurrency is %n',[ Query.FieldByName('Amount').AsCurrency]));
WriteLn( Format( 'Amount AsString is %s',[ Query.FieldByName('Amount').AsString]));