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Problems with Zeos 6.6.3 and FB2

Posted: 17.09.2008, 19:17
by cmatrix
I am having two problems working with Firebird2 and Zeos 6.6.3.

1) I cannot use the database name as I can with other databases (MySQL, MSSQL, PostgresQL, Oracle). Instead I must use the full path to the database file. Why is this?

2) When I connect every database query results in the error "Cannot retrieve resultset data". Why is this?

Thanks for any information.

Posted: 17.09.2008, 19:45
by mdaems

I think I can answer the first question. Did you define an alias on the server side? I usually don't work with FB, but when I needed to connect to a FB server some years ago using Zeoslib I defined a database alias on the server side. So the server knows how to find the file you want to access using a simple database name.

For the second question I need more info. How are you opening the query? What sql statement are you using? ...


Posted: 18.09.2008, 17:40
by cmatrix
Thanks the alias did the trick.

As for the queries they are simple SELECTs. The first query appears to except on merely trying to close the query before assigning text. I think the debugger is off by one line though. The second query excepts when simply trying to assign text to it.

with DM.qry1 do
SQL.Text:= 'SELECT ini,LastUpdate FROM Config WHERE DivisionID ='

with DM.qry1 do begin
SQL.Text:= 'SELECT LoginID'+
' from Users'+
' Where (LoginID = '+QuotedStr(sLoginId)+')';

Posted: 19.09.2008, 07:39
by mdaems
Concerning the last error : could you send me a simple example using an embedded FB server? There's so much unknown information involved I can't even guess where the problem is.
(BTW : include everything needed to compile and run the project : sources, db file, FB dll's and necessary FB files). Send it to zeoslib at gmail point com.
