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[RESOLVED] Error : SQL Error : library routine called out .

Posted: 29.08.2008, 09:12
by dav999

i have this error in loading, but this error comming before the oncreate of my first form.

i have verifed my path to the database it's correct.

i use the last stable realses (6.6.3) and i dev into lazarus/freepascal in ubuntu 8.04.
I have only this error in another computer that haven't installed FPC/lazarus (i have rename & install the in /usr/lib)

I have try to install the last svn version, but i have 2 errors when i try to compile it

i have seen this post ... d+sequence, but i search the TZSQLiteStatement.Execute routine, i can't find im.

If anyone have an idea...

ps : excuse for my poor english but if anyone speak french :)

Posted: 29.08.2008, 15:49
by ssamayoa

To which database (MySQL, Oracle, etc.) are you connecting?


Posted: 29.08.2008, 17:42
by dav999
Oh excuse me : sqlite3 and i have correctly rename the in /usr/lib/

Posted: 31.08.2008, 21:21
by dav999
i give an complement information :

in unit ZIBEventAlerter i have this error when i try compiling zeoslib 6.6.3 :
.../Zeoslib/ZEOSDBO-6.6.3-stable/src/component/ZIBEventAlerter.pas(116,23) Error: Duplicate identifier "INFINITE"

Code: Select all

  IB_MAX_EVENT_BLOCK = 15;   // maximum events handled per block by InterBase
  IB_MAX_EVENT_LENGTH = 64;  // maximum event name length

//error it's the bottom line

  FStatusVector: TARRAY_ISC_STATUS; 
for bypass this error i have comment the bold line i think it's not the problem ?

Posted: 31.08.2008, 23:30
by mdaems
See bug 131 in our bug tracker. This problem is fixed in SVN 6.6-patches branch.


Posted: 01.09.2008, 22:29
by dav999
i have check this code, recompiling and reinstall compo but it's resolve not my problem :(

Posted: 02.09.2008, 10:55
by mdaems
But the compilation is OK now?

No idea about where to start solving your initial problem, however. Can you check the call stack to see when/where the error is actually raised? More specifically : what zeoslib routine or sqlite dll method is raising the error?


Posted: 02.09.2008, 22:49
by dav999
yes lazarus compiling without error now

for sql error the problem in the computer i compiled my app i haven't any error, this error appears only in another computer, i can't see but i trace my app with this code in form_create :

("log" is declared textfile in public variables)

Code: Select all

procedure Tfrm_depart.FormCreate%u28Sender%u3a TObject%u29;

//Création du fichier log pour tracer les éventuelles erreurs
assignfile%u28log,ExtractFilePath%u28Application.ExeName%u29 + 'athletes.log'%u29;

writeln%u28log,'********** ENTREE DANS LA PROCEDURE FORMCREATE ***********'%u29;  

and i have not a textfile when i start my app (in another pc if a start in my pc i have no error the app work great), i suppose this error come before the begining of my app ?


Posted: 02.09.2008, 22:59
by mdaems
Bad sqlite.dll version on the other pc?


Posted: 03.09.2008, 09:08
by dav999
i work only in linux (ubuntu 8.04) and i use the lastest library (3.6.2) and i rename to in /usr/lib/

i have tested my app in another pc with unbuntu 7.10 and 8.04 and mandriva 2008


Posted: 03.09.2008, 15:45
by dav999
Ok the problem is resolved a great thanks to mark

in design time a have fill the database path, and this make the error (the database it's not found in another pc and the error come before the real starting to my app)


SQL Error: library routine called out of sequence

Posted: 31.03.2010, 13:43
by kabeza
Hi guys
I made a search and found some threads regarding the error I've got while trying to work with SQLite:

SQL Error: library routine called out of sequence :oops:

- I downloaded latest ZeosDBO and installed on Delphi7
- Created new project
- Put components, queries, etc.
- Created SQLite DB, tables
- Put sqlite3.dll in project's folder
- I've used Path:=ExtractFilePath(Application.Exename) for loading DB

All went fine on my machine, but moved all the files (project.exe, db.sqlite, sqlite3.dll) to another machine and got

SQL Error: library routine called out of sequence :oops:

Can any1 help me to solve this? If I read ok, is this solved in SVN version? should I download svn and recompile everything?

Posted: 03.04.2010, 20:34
by mdaems
No recent changes, so updating SVN will probably not help.

But if your exe runs without trouble on your first PC and outside the IDE you should check on both machines what dll's and db files are loaded exactly.

According to this post the problem may also be db-filename related.


Posted: 08.04.2010, 19:42
by kabeza
I never thought "playa.sqlite" would be a bad name for my database...

I could not test in the other machine, but I'm beginning to suspect that the fact I have the zConnectionSQL.Connected property = true (at designtime) is making everything go bad when I try to change ZConnectionSQL.Database at mainForm.onCreate

so far, This is the code I have in the mainForm.onCreate

Code: Select all

      Path := ExtractFilePath(Application.exename);
      ZConnectionSQL.Database := Path + '\playa.sqlite';
    MessageDlg('Error!!', mtWarning, [mbOK], 0);
So I'll update after I run the soft in the other machine

Posted: 14.04.2010, 00:00
by mdaems
Oh, yes. When you connect at startup to a non-existing (development) DB before connecting to the right db this can cause trouble. When changing db at runtime don't connect in design time.
