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Download vclado50.bpl and rtl.bpl

Posted: 27.08.2008, 08:56
by klchin

I using C++Builder 5.0 Pro ver.
Had error when compile 6.6.3. it required
vclAdo50.bpl/bpi and rtl.bpl/bpi

When can I download it, or can someone send
to my email -

BTW, I had managed to compile it, by removing
all the references for vclAdo50 and rtl from the
cpp and bpr file, which not a good practice.

Suggestion, under the ZPlainAdo.pas, it will be
good change the name EOF to Eof (maybe also BOF to
Bof), to avoid compilation error under C++Builder.

KL Chin

Posted: 29.08.2008, 06:03
by klchin

Can u add/change below, fixes for C++Builder 5.00,

unit ZAbstractDataset;

TZAbstractDataset = class(TZAbstractRODataset)


property Filtered;
property Params;
property ParamCheck;
property ReadOnly;
property RequestLive;
property SQL;

unit ZPlainAdo;
Recordset15 = interface(_ADO)

property Bof: WordBool read Get_BOF;
property Eof: WordBool read Get_EOF;

KL Chin

Posted: 31.08.2008, 22:42
by mdaems

Can you be more specfic about exactly how (unified dif output?) and why this code should be changed?

You'll understand I can't risk breaking this stable version for other compilers. On the other hand, as 6.6 is the last zeoslib version supporting CBuilder 5, I hope we can fix this in the next 6.6 maintenance release.
