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Bug reports for SQLite Administrator application

Posted: 28.07.2008, 10:32
by yaronb

When using the SQLite Administrator application the following bugs occured:

A. A table contents is not displayed if the 'Result' tab is not visible, even after clicking the 'Result' tab:
1. Run application, open a database & click a table in the tables explorer.
2. Click the 'Result' tab.
3. The table data will not be displayed.

B. In the right panel the horizontal scrollbar and the lower tabs are 'cut' and not displyed. A screenshot is attached (SQLite Administrator bug1.bmp).

C. In the table data view, some columns are displayed by default as wide as the entire panel for some reason. Trying to make such a column narrower doesn't always succeed, and even if it does the column returns to its default width if another table is clicked and then the original table is clicked again. This phenomenon seems to happen for fields with 'bit' or 'nvarchar' types. Screenshots are attached (SQLite Administrator bug2.bmp, SQLite Administrator bug3.bmp).

D. There seems to be no empty last record, for easily adding a new record.

Apart from the bugs, the following features could be helpful:

A. A 'copy & paste' feature for an entire table line or lines.

B. Although it's possible to import a CSV file, it would have been much easier to use 'copy & paste' for tab delimited lines, without having to match columns & fields (always assuming that the 1st column matches the 1st field and so on).


Yaron Bank

Posted: 11.08.2008, 10:16
by Orbmu2k

A) its by design, the content of the selected table will only be shown if the result tab is currently visible on selecting.

B) no screenshot attached, but i have seen this behavior by other users ... at mine all looks fine ...

C) dbgrid columns will arranged by fieldsize by default. doubleclick the columnheaders wich try to arrange the width by its current content.

D) ?


A) Hey this no Excel, its a small sqlite administration tool ;-)

B) Same as A / You can import tab delimeted files if you choose empty seperator

Clarification for the bug report

Posted: 11.08.2008, 19:46
by yaronb

For clause B, I don't know why the screenshot wasn't attached, sorry... :oops: Anyway, I think it happens on a 17 inch monitor. I saw the problem on any 17 inch monitor I tried the application with, while on 19 inch monitors it's always OK.

For clause C: OK, I understand that this is how it was built, but often the default fieldsize of text fields is quite large to be prepared for possible long strings. Imho it's better to display it with a shorter width.


Yaron Bank

Posted: 16.09.2008, 15:09
by aryeh

There are the bugs showing/editing two kinds of fields:

1. 64-bit integer. As the internal presentation of integer
value in SQLite is 64-bit integer it will be right to show
and edit any integer type as 64-bit one. Now the value
greater than 32-bit integer is shown as 0.

2. Time. The full time representation format in SQLite is
'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.fff', so IMHO it's good to appear
in this form in Administrator. Now it's not possible to see
or edit milliseconds.


BTW, Orbmu2k, You did a WONDERFUL work!!!

Posted: 17.09.2008, 14:01
by aryeh

OK, I have found the solution for 64-bit integer:
if the field type declared as INTEGER(20) it works
in SQLite Administrator.
