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have chm of zeos

Posted: 04.11.2005, 13:23
by pangareh
exists one chm of the Zeos?

Posted: 07.12.2005, 22:30
by zippo
Unfortunately not.. :(

Posted: 08.12.2005, 19:56
by gto
hey, what about we do one zeos FAQ or something?

look here, more people lost with some options ... ?p=927#927

I may help with something, apart my english hehh

Posted: 09.12.2005, 10:54
by zippo
A FAQ would be a great Idea!

And a part of the forum can be just perfect for this. A moderator is needed and a little collaboration of the Zeos team (don't worry, just a little of your time :) ). So, shall we start? :)

Posted: 10.12.2005, 01:08
by gto
YAY zippo! I'm on it!
someone else!? :zwinker:

well, there's some mod/admin who can help us?


Posted: 10.12.2005, 17:03
by zippo
Helooooo Moderator?

If you see this, then open a branch in the forum, please. If the FAQ project is successful, you will get a good source for the manual. If not, then... hmmm, then you can delete the branch :)

Please inform us on your decision!

Posted: 11.12.2005, 12:11
by Michael
Hi guys!

Sorry but I'm very busy at the moment with other project work/my job. I will open the Knowledge Base for our users so that everybody will be able to contribute articles to the Knowledge Base ... I promise!

Please be patient it'll take a little ... and hope this will fullfill your needs.

Regards and a pleasant sunday.

P.S.: At the moment I'm also concerned in browsing through the old forum threads we could save... This will in deed result in a kind of FAQ... ;-) ... but ... pleeeease ... be patient ... at the moment I'm the only one who really cares about all that stuff.

Posted: 11.12.2005, 13:25
by gto
thanks for the attention anyway :)
We'll be waiting!

Posted: 12.12.2005, 06:31
by Michael

the permission to submit articles into the Knowledge Base was already granted to registered users :oops:! Just click on the "Submit Article" - Link when you selected a category and start writing ...


Happy authoring ... ;-)

Posted: 12.12.2005, 15:40
by zippo
Problem on submit of a new article ... :(:(

Warning: reset(): Passed variable is not an array or object in /srv/www/web24/html/zeosforum/includes/emailer.php on line 145

Warning: Variable passed to each() is not an array or object in /srv/www/web24/html/zeosforum/includes/emailer.php on line 146

Warning: reset(): Passed variable is not an array or object in /srv/www/web24/html/zeosforum/includes/emailer.php on line 154

Warning: Variable passed to each() is not an array or object in /srv/www/web24/html/zeosforum/includes/emailer.php on line 155
ZeosLib-Forum Forum Index » Information

Article Submitted Successfully.
An Administrator will review your article and decide whether to let user's view it or not.

Click Here to return to the Knowledge Base

Click Here to return to the Index

ZeosLib-Forum Forum Index » Information

Posted: 12.12.2005, 16:34
by Michael
Hi zippo,

my test-user (guess who it is :wink: ...) encountered the same error but the article was submitted. I just approved your article so that you are now able to edit/complete it.

I also took a short look at the Orion-Forum to eveluate if this is a know error. It seems that the Knowledge Base itself is a little bit buggy :evil: The suggestion was to update the Forum software to release 2.0. I have planned this for the beginning of 2006 (maybe January ...).

There is a Forum named "Tutorials" in the "ZEOS Library - General" Forum section. If the Knowledge Base causes too many trouble, please post your stuff here. I will then put it into Knowledge Base. With my admin account I have no probs with the Knowledge Base ... funny, isn't it? :nerd:


P.S.: Please take a look here and try if you are able to edit the article.

Posted: 14.12.2005, 16:57
by Michael