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Posted: 10.11.2014, 00:09
by krzynio8
Any plans for memSQL support?

Re: memSQL

Posted: 11.11.2014, 12:49
by EgonHugeist
No actually i had no such plans since same idea works with SQLite see

Note i didn't know memSQL and i never testet the SQLite memory-db idea.

First we need a ODBC access to have DB2/Informix/MSSQL... access on non Windows OS's and bypassing the deprecated ADO/DBLIB access.
There are some more interesting databases:

CUBRID, NUODB, Sphinxs(native support), Percona, Drizzl, DB2....... and memSQL to, of course.
Feel free to help supporting memSQL! It's not complicated to write a plain access. More complicated (from my point of view) is to handle all spezials in a common way.