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Sorting by calculated field does not work

Posted: 15.01.2024, 07:06
by alexkam75
I create a calculated 'qty' field as TFloatField in TZQuery.
Queryqty.Value := 4;
When sorting
FieldName := FixFieldName('qty') + ' Asc'
Error appears

Re: Sorting by calculated field does not work

Posted: 15.01.2024, 09:55
by marsupilami

which version of Zeos do you use? I seem to remember thios was a problem in Zeos 7.2. But I thought it was fixed for Zeos 8.

Which error message do you get?
Which version of Delphi or Lazarus / Freepascal do you use?
Can you provide a small sample application?

With best regards,


Re: Sorting by calculated field does not work

Posted: 10.04.2024, 15:02
by alexkam75
zeos 8.0 last ... .0-patches

Sample project:

Re: Sorting by calculated field does not work

Posted: 22.04.2024, 10:47
by alexkam75
Sorting by calculated field does not work. Example attached.

Re: Sorting by calculated field does not work

Posted: 14.05.2024, 07:05
by alexkam75
The error occurs in the file\src\dbc\ZDbcCache.pas

Re: Sorting by calculated field does not work

Posted: 14.05.2024, 16:21
by alexkam75

Re: Sorting by calculated field does not work

Posted: 15.05.2024, 21:05
by alexkam75
Error executing CurrentRows.Sort(HighLevelSort)
procedure TZAbstractRODataset.InternalSort;
in src\component\ZAbstractRODataset.pas

Re: Sorting by calculated field does not work

Posted: 22.05.2024, 12:59
by marsupilami

there seems to be an hard to fix issue with the way we handle calculated fields. We are currently investigating this. I willanswe when we have a solution ready.

With best regards,


Re: Sorting by calculated field does not work

Posted: 27.05.2024, 12:23
by marsupilami

we think we solved your problem. Could you please check if the latest 8.0-patches branch works for you?

Best regards,


Re: Sorting by calculated field does not work

Posted: 28.05.2024, 07:01
by alexkam75
Thank you. Sorting works.