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Solved: Error when compiling Zeos on Delphi 12

Posted: 12.11.2023, 19:07
by Prometeus

According to the attached picture, I am getting an error when compiling the 'Delphi 12' package from subversion '8051'. I think it's related to some compiling version issue, but I could not find the 'inc' file that probably needs fixing. Any tip on this?


Re: Error when compiling Zeos on Delphi 12

Posted: 12.11.2023, 21:18
by aehimself

Known issue, a hotfix is already on it's way.

More info here.

Re: Error when compiling Zeos on Delphi 12

Posted: 12.11.2023, 23:29
by Prometeus
Hello aehimself,

Thanks for the info!

For some reason I received this message when I tried to read your link: "You are not authorised to read this forum."

Re: Error when compiling Zeos on Delphi 12

Posted: 13.11.2023, 08:07
by aehimself
Long story short, the issue is caused by the weak NativeInt alias introduced in Delphi 12 and the proposed solution is available as a pull request on GitHub :)

Re: Error when compiling Zeos on Delphi 12

Posted: 16.11.2023, 17:57
by Prometeus
With the current fixes the first errors were gone but it failed with this error:

[dcc32 Error] ZDbcODBCStatement.pas(1961): E2251 Ambiguous overloaded call to 'Max'
ZCompatibility.pas(841): Related method: function Max(const NativeUInt; const NativeUInt): NativeUInt;
System.Math.pas(5172): Related method: function Max(const Cardinal; const Cardinal): Cardinal;

When I changed the call on line '1961' from 'Max' to 'System.Math.Max' or 'ZCompatibility.Max' it compiled without errors and installed correctly.

Re: Error when compiling Zeos on Delphi 12

Posted: 16.11.2023, 20:05
by aehimself
That modification is in the pull request as well. The "ZCompatibility." prefix mefore Max is included if NATIVEINT_WEAK_REFERENCE is defined.
Same had to be done in ZDbcOracleUtils : 1433, ZDbcInterbaseFirebirdMetaData : 2000 and ZAbstractRODataSet : 9417 as well.